
Applicants who want to transfer from abroad

Those who want to see higher education abroad by their own means should get information from internet or the Equivalency Information, CHE (Council of Higher Education) Presidency Bilkent / Ankara regarding whether the higher education institutions they want to study are recognized as Council of Higher Education Presidency (HEI) Higher Education Diplomas will benefit from examining the Regulation on Equivalence. Documents required for diploma equivalency application can be obtained from the website of CHE (HYPERLINK ""

Students who start studying abroad will be asked to submit OSYS results or equivalents listed below to universities in Turkey for undergraduate transfer applications. Those applicants must have entered OSYS in the year they started studying abroad, and they must have a score of 140 or more in the relevant score type in the YGS for associate degree programs and 180 or more in the related score type in LYS for the undergraduate programs.

SAT 1 (minimum 1000 points)

ACT (Minimum 21 Points)


French Bakalory

GCEE Level Certificate (Minimum 2 courses)

International Baccalaureat IB

Austrian Matura Diplomacy (Matura Reifezeugnis)

Italy Maturita Diplomas (Diploma di Maturita)

It is necessary to introduce the students of the students who will be studying at the higher education institutions abroad and to open a student file and get a visa at the Ministry of National Education or abroad.

This content was issued on 19.12.2017 and has been viewed for 1665 times.